Week 14: Mi Vuelta a España

28/11/22 – 04/12/22 235 km I woke up too early at the start of week 14. I was freezing, I couldn’t sleep and as a result I was keen to leave Valverde de Valdelacasa as soon as possible. I was out of the Albergue before 8am, the bar wasn’t even open yet, but I knew …

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Week 13: Mi Vuelta a España

21/10/22 – 27/11/22 230 km Week 13 started with another act of kindness that saw me leave Mérida with a spring in my step, despite the rain. Before leaving the city I had to double back on myself and pass through the centre in order to run a few errands. As it was still really …

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Week 12: Mi Vuelta a España

14/10/22 – 20/11/22 212 km Week 12 marked my transition to ‘Peregrino’. The remainder of ‘Mi Vuelta’ will see me follow no fewer than five separate ‘Caminos’ (Pilgrimages to Santiago) as I aim to arrive in Barcelona, my new finish line, before the end of February. Initially I had planned to finish the walk by …

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Week 11: Mi Vuelta a España

07/10/22 – 13/11/22 253 km Even though I’d taken the Monday off, I was seriously lacking in motivation at the start of Week 11. I had worked so hard to arrive in Tarifa, towards that one specific goal, that I hadn’t taken time to consider what would come next. It was only when I started …

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Week 4: Mi Vuelta a España

19/09/22 – 25/09/22 178km Thankfully when I awoke on the morning of Day 19 all my kit had dried and after packing my bag I made my way downstairs where I was spoiled rotten at breakfast. The highlight being enough takeaway sandwiches and pastries to get me through the next few days. With a sense …

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Week 2: Mi Vuelta a España

05/09/22 – 11/09/22 245km After dragging myself out of bed I managed to hobble my way to the Correos (Post Office). The first four days had taught me that if I was going to complete this walk I would have to simplify my approach. So I posted anything that wasn’t absolutely necessary home. I managed …

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Camí de Cavalls: The South, Stages 11 – 20

Day 6 19/4/22 Tuesday Four trips to the breakfast buffet later it was time to leave the relative comfort of the hotel. I would have gone again but they had run out of ensaimadas. Freshly stocked with water and chocolate we headed out of Ciutadella at a blistering pace. We are walkers now, I chuckled …

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