Week 16: Mi Vuelta a España

12/12/22 – 18/12/22 216 km The forecast for Monday was bleak. There were warnings of extreme levels of rainfall and electrical storms. Despite my desire to make progress, I knew it wouldn’t be today. I spent the majority of the day hand washing my clothes, a task passersby may argue I had neglected over the …

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Week 15: Mi Vuelta a España

05/12/22 – 11/12/22 224 km I spent the first twenty minutes of Week 15 taping my feet up. When I finished I was finally able to force them into my boots and escape the chill of the Albergue. It was still pitch black when I left, but fortunately the path was easy to follow without …

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Week 14: Mi Vuelta a España

28/11/22 – 04/12/22 235 km I woke up too early at the start of week 14. I was freezing, I couldn’t sleep and as a result I was keen to leave Valverde de Valdelacasa as soon as possible. I was out of the Albergue before 8am, the bar wasn’t even open yet, but I knew …

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